This week I have engaged in two main themes amongst my peers and clients:
The “I’m ready” and the “I’m done” conversations.
The “I’m ready” crowd are those who are rising after so much overwhelm, sluggishness, or even busy-ness that blankets over what they really need to focus on. They have been brushing aside tough conversations, bold actions, or difficult choices.
They are tired.
The “I’m ready” crowd has done every to-do and are ready for what’s real. Even if they aren’t sure what that looks like, they know how they want to feel. They are ready to create change.
The “I’m done” crew: they are just that.
They also seek change, but their momentum is different from the “I’m ready” bunch. The “I’m done” club are worn out, exhausted, no longer looking or reaching or choosing or doing. They crave stillness. Silence. Calm.
They will tread water a little longer until their knowledge has increased, their bodies and mind stronger, and their life around them becomes clearer.
They are tired, too.
We are all tired.
But still, in seeking any of this – the changes or stability – we can still choose where we want to be.
If you find yourself in the “I’m done” crowd, what is it you need to hear? What balm will help you stop, recover, recoup?
Are you part of the “I’m ready” crowd? If so, do you know what your first step needs to be?
Wherever you find yourself now, ready or done, lean into the space that helps you feel better.
Take one small action towards what serves you best. Calendar it in. Do (or don’t do) this thing that you need in the space you find yourself now.
When you make this choice for yourself, you will find that everything will begin to feel ok.
~ Christy
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Christy Nichols, Personal Development Facilitator | Leadership Training Expert | Purposeful Travel Advocate | CEO at Venture Within
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