– – – As I write this, I am in two minds.
First, I am ecstatic with the rise in opportunities, clients, and professional wins for my business of late.
After this year of loss, scrambling, pivoting, re-launching (and yes, reeling in moments of defeat and exhaustion from the sucker-punches delivered this year), to finally gain traction again feels amazing.
But secondly, in the never-ending aftermath of Hurricane Eta, Nicaragua is still experiencing heavy flooding that is striking down our lovely neighbours so fiercely, and devastatingly for some families.
This is something we are each familiar with: Experiencing the mountain peak ups alongside the valley basin lows.
This past week buzzed with the energizing pressure of a busier workload, laced with lovely visits from vibrant friends.
And then, the forces of nature hit without much warning, and I watched as the livelihoods of fellow humans, humans who drive the same roads and work under the same roof, are delivered an unsuspecting blow by Nicaragua’s beastly, and unforgiving storms.
To be honest, the clash of positive and negative events this week incited personal panic.
I momentarily think I don’t have time to be offline this week and try to calendar when I can assist those in need in between all the appointments.
. . . .Wait a beat, wait a second beat, wait a third . . .
. . .and resistance shifts to a heavy realization.
Life doesn’t adhere to our rainbow-checkered Google calendars. In fact, it moves much more suddenly than we would ever like it to.
So, for me, this week has been awesome. And then, horrific. The next day, satisfying, exciting, and encouraging. And then, stark.
And because life behaves in just this way, pitted with ups and downs, we understand how personal growth actually helps us:
It improves our thought patterns and emotional responses. It shapes the intentions that enable us to move forward with less resistance.
We learn to shift our mindset into one that positively serves, both ourselves, and those whose lives we are taking part in. We remember to:
Focus on the good.
Celebrate the wins.
Be brave.
Roll with the punches.
Love your people.
The truth is, the dark, tough days that flip over our carefully laid plans are unavoidable – regardless of how we each define “dark” and “tough” days. And when they come, when they descend on you or those around you, your mindset is what gives you the strength to navigate through the floods.
Part of personal growth is learning to confidently focus on what matters to you. Choosing the best direction for your life, but also learning how to survive those unexpected landslides that never fail to redirect you.
The mindset shifts.
And so, I shut the computer. I rummage through clothes and food supplies to offer to those who, in one muddy wave, have nothing left.
~ Christy
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Christy Nichols, Personal Development Facilitator | Leadership Training Expert | Purposeful Travel Advocate | CEO at Venture Within
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