This April, I’m offering an experience that I have long wanted to create.
For the past 10 years, my businesses have blended travel with personal growth, fused cultural immersion with education, and combined adventure with relaxation. I’ve partnered with elephant rehab centers, worked alongside sea turtle conservation non-profits, and worked with local community schools around the world. I’ve both co-founded a company in Australia, and for the last 5 years, have gone solo to build my current business from the ground up while living in Nicaragua.
I’ve survived business failures (shifting from a losing mentality to a learning mentality), have overcome economic struggles (rising from flat broke to profitable), and professionally survived a pandemic (owning a business in travel while borders closed down).
It has not been easy.
There were days when I questioned my direction. Days when overwhelm from feeling uncertainty in my choices literally brought me to tears on the floor. Days where the business mechanics I needed to nurture my business seemed miles beyond my skillset.
There have been days where I wondered if growing a successful and thriving business was something I was truly capable of.
Those thoughts were terrifying and often kept me awake at night.
The alternative thought that I could walk away from all I had built so far, everything I wanted to achieve, everything I love about my business and my life – the thought of walking away from all of this was far worse than any fear, stress, or doubt I ever felt.
So I kept going.
Building Venture Within the last 5 years has had its share of challenges, but also its share of hard-earned victories. It’s these victories and learning that continue to fuel my passion for what I do and cause me to seek creative strategies with each surfacing threat.
I was brave enough to pivot when my offerings didn’t immediately land. I learned to diversify my products when Covid-19 sucker-punched us all. And I narrowed my focus when my energy became diluted, or too thinly spread to produce the quality of success I was aiming for.
Through these ever-circling challenges of money, time, timing, connections, and personal mindset, we can learn more about ourselves.
We can learn how to shift our minds and talents towards what serves us and our businesses best.
We can learn how to take a blow and return stronger.
We can learn how to reset our energy when it reaches its max.
We can recognize when our minds or body requires refueling and know what we need to do about it. (Hiding in a hammock with a book for a while usually helps).
Building a business, or a lifestyle, is so much more than spreadsheets, a website, and social media posts.
Building a business you love demands your whole heart.
It requires ever-sharpening smarts. It means forming true connection. It necessitates re-booting by taking time off. It asks you to push yourself, and sometimes your timeline, just a little further. You go all in.
It means you are the artist, the creator, the architect of your own life, business, and lifestyle. All of which is needed in balance to successfully create anything – a business or a life that is worth pursuing.
These strategies and thought processes I have experienced over the past 10 years are what I wish to share with you.
That’s the reason for the Creatives & Entrepreneurs Retreat. This 10-day experience offers you a balance of every element you need on your creative or entrepreneurial journey.
This is true if you are mid-flight, but seek redirection.
This is true if you have ended one project, and seek time underground to re-dream and re-draft.
This is true if you are just getting started, and freaking out just a bit about what your next steps should be to realize your dream.
This Retreat has been curated precisely to offer you soulful alignment and connection, self-awareness and personal transition tools, navigation through fearful thoughts or anxiety that we all feel from time to time. It will provide you with strategies to implement into your future once your time here in Nicaragua has ended and you return to breathe revitalized life into your endeavor.
And – (and this is the extra fun part), you’ll experience all of this with your feet in the sand, a salty ocean breeze in the air, indulging in the barefoot luxury of Hacienda Iguana on the pristine beaches of Nicaragua.
You’ll enjoy time for yourself, time to allow your ideas to flow, and time to learn more deeply how you can personally thrive. You will have time to think more clearly and explore each of your possibilities. You will have time for like-minded community and inspiring connections.
Challenges will always arise. But, if you allow space for it, going all in and igniting your own Creativity will always help you through them until you thrive.
Find more details on the Creatives & Entrepreneurs Retreat in Nicaragua.
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Christy Nichols
Executive Leadership & Life Coach | Curator of Transformational Experiences | Purposeful Travel Advocate | Author |CEO at Venture Within
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