Overwhelm can often be defined simply as WTF.
This past week I had a few WTF moments.
Overwhelm that stems from the stress and mess we make by carrying too much on our plate that just isn’t working anymore. We haven’t changed a thing and that’s the problem.
Situations we hang on to such as staying in an old job we’re burnt out from, an unsupportive home or living situation, indulging in an overkill of unhealthy lifestyle choices.
(You can read that last one as partying more than you’re yoga-ing.)
Perhaps it’s because you want to take on new projects or introduce a significant change to your life such as a new job, new home, or new diet. Maybe you’ve have had changes drop in your lap without warning.
The heaviness looms above and makes you feel a little wobbly, uncertain, and kinda always freaking out in your head.
If that sounds right to you, you should know, it happens to the best of us.
The fear that seems unshakeable. We wonder how on earth we can make things better.
I’ve learned that succumbing to the self-doubt and caving in to the stress just makes me feel worse.
We can’t manifest our dreams if our mind is paralyzed by worry.
Your mindset is your best personal asset to your well-being.
It’s how you are able to manage your reactions, your perception, your choices.
If you’re leaning into the first step towards changing things up, but feel fear gripping your ankles, looking after your mindset is the number one thing to move you steadily along.
The further you go, the stronger and calmer you get. That’s when the changes you seek become easier.
A simple but impactful start is to pick up inspirational books and commit to reading a little bit each night (sorry, Netflix).
Create a reasonable list of daily to-do’s that serve to pivot your mindset and weave them into your routine in what ways you can. Meditate. Exercise. Write.
Daily good-for-you routines serve to bolster your sense of security and confidence so that when the overwhelm strikes (and it will) and threatens to dismantle everything you’ve built (and it can if you let it), you have the tools you need to flick (or bat) the overwhelming stress away.
Overwhelm has towered so high above me at times, I have had to double down on the mindset work.
Rephrase my mantras. Extend my meditation time. Listen to empowering podcasts from Abraham Hicks, Oprah, or Gabby Bernstein while I’m making dinner.
I do the things that help me remember that the truth at the core of it all is . . . I got this.
And you got this, too.
Of course you do.
Just do the things for yourself to help you remember that. You’ll see those WTF moments hit the road.
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~ Christy

Christy Nichols, Professional Development Facilitator | Leadership Training Expert | Purposeful Travel Advocate | CEO at Venture Within
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