I travelled to a new country because I wanted the experience, and the good and the bad that accompanied it. I feel like it is important to experience different cultures, but only if one is in the mindset to soak it all in. I was ready to act as a sponge. In my profession, there is an emphasis on offering non-judgmental care and being culturally sensitive. I believe travel can enhance these characteristics.
I also wanted to do something for myself. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and travel without my family. Although I came here with two other friends, I’m not particularly close with them, so traveling with them has been a new experience as well. I have never been to a third world country. I have never been on a volunteer trip for longer than a day. This all is new and it has been extremely enriching.
I wanted to help a cause bigger than myself. I liked what the program in Nicaragua had to offer, particularly in the fact that the company tries to help these communities become self sufficient. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in school, focused on tests, improving my resume, and dealing with my own responsibilities that I lose sight of the other things happening around me.
Overall, I wanted to make an impact.