Happy New Year!
Can we still exchange this greeting so deep into January? I would think so, as this is the first article I’ve sent out since we crossed into 2022. My cat Tino is already exhausted, but I – I am just getting started.
Despite the arc of time since my last update, I have still been writing. However, my writing has not settled into the usual resting place of a newsletter or blog post. The writing I have been doing has instead taken the shape of edits for my book (coming as soon as February), and in many deep-dive journal entries I write only for myself.
These are personal journals that help me untangle any knots that the past year left me tied me up in, as well as journal entries that helped me lay down the foundation for this year’s goals and this year’s intentions.
It’s the act of writing that has always served me well when I need to decipher any feelings that swell and rise above my head or crash and foam at my feet. In fact, looking back, writing travel blogs, writing long, elaborate letters to friends, and writing learning programs for my students or coaching clients – all of this writing has been my most impactful modality of expression.
Writing is how I best connect, communicate, and create. Some have their art. Others have their music. I have my words.
I’ve just begun reading a book that I probably should have read ages ago, but it has only now found its way into my hands and bedside table. The Artist’s Way is the creator’s guide to freeing their creativity within.
Not necessarily creativity as in painting, or poetry, but creativity as the fuel for manifesting your passion, whether this passion is a weekend hobby, or becomes your own business. I have only read the first part so far, but I feel like this book will be a go-to for me as long as I continue to be a writer, creator, traveler, and businesswoman.
Speaking of all things business, creativity, and travel, this April I am curating a retreat specifically for creatives and entrepreneurs. This will be a 10-day experience for those who are following their passions and desires, or simply seek to connect more purposefully with those passions and desires. It is a retreat for those who seek (re)inspiration for their own business or those curious enough to unfold their creativity – just to see what dreams may come.
If you are on the precipice of exploring your own creativity further, then this experience could be just what you are looking for. Details are found here.
In the meantime, as the pacey-start to my January begins to pick up speed and move closer to February, and the months beyond that will surely arrive too soon, I will keep adding fire to my own creativity.
I’ll keep writing journal entries only for myself as I continue to learn, process, and grow. I’ll keep creating inspirational and connective experiences for those who desire to unlock something more meaningful within themselves.
And I’ll keep writing for you – sharing my own personal stories of learning, connection, and growth as the year unfolds. And, of course, stories of my cat, Tino. She’s a never-ending muse for self-reflection and hilarity.
So Happy New Year to you – I hope this year brings you the creativity, inspiration, and clarity you seek.
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My stories are pretty good. 🙂

Christy Nichols
Executive Leadership & Life Coach | Curator of Transformational Experiences | Purposeful Travel Advocate | Author |CEO at Venture Within
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