Hi there,
Are my amazing readers still out there? Around early February, I wrote my most recent blog post, then buckled down for a busy series of transformational retreats here in Nicaragua.
When I looked up, it was tax season.
If you’re looking for signs of life, I am still here. And while I have not been writing these newsletters weekly, I have been writing.
The writing has come in the form of revised life coaching programs, upgrading my business, in both the areas of coaching and retreat curating, and of course, the long-awaited travel memoir I‘ve written that is scheduled for May/June release.
The last few months have been a dizzying spin sparking moments of glory, such as hosting student enrichment programs for an inspiring high school cohort from the States, as well as a retreat designed for business owners who immersed in the tropical beach vibes while recalibrating their next professional direction.
In my personal life, there’s been a few earthquakes. It is not so much the unexpected shaking that first jolted me, but the dusty, blinding rubble it seems to take forever to crawl out of. The aftermath that incubates confusion, sorrow for a time, and the need to rebuild what has been damaged.
Within these momentous experiences in life and business, I have many stories, which I’ll do my best to break down for you in bite-size pieces over the coming weeks. One story at a time.
They might be perceived as challenging situations, but one approach to growth I have been practicing myself is the art of reframing. A “challenging situation” can be reframed as a “life lesson”.
And then again. A “life lesson” can be reframed as an “opportunity for growth”.
And then, an even more concise, reframing of an “opportunity for growth” into recognizing the “mindset shift” that has ultimately occurred.
This last label suits me best, as it implies a positive permanence to where my perspective is now.
“Life lessons” feels a little too chalky, and “opportunities” can be missed. And who wants to deal with “challenging situations”? Not I.
Try it with me: “We’ve had a series of mindset shifts since we rolled into this new year. “ How does that sound to you?
For me, it’s a pivot that sits more comfortably. Signs of life that I can define in ways that nurture growth, and, if I share these pivotal moments and stories with you, they might possibly help you too.
Something you can take with you.
So stay tuned, readers. Life is crazy, glorious, and ever-shifting.
In the meantime, if you’re curious about my life purpose coaching and transformational retreats, you can find details about them below.
Have a lovely weekend.
Want more good stuff? Explore 1:1 Life Purpose Coaching or the online Lifestyle Transition Course. Reply in the form below to find out more about my private coaching sessions.
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My stories are pretty good. 🙂

Christy Nichols
Executive Leadership & Life Coach | Curator of Transformational Experiences | Purposeful Travel Advocate | Author |CEO at Venture Within
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