What. A. Week.
And I’m not even referring to the US Elections, which I haven’t even checked in on.
Today was especially busy, with a heavy dose of deep connection with friends from several friendship circles.
The kind of connection where a simple text check-in just won’t do. Where a real-time, “How are you? Do you want to grab a coffee and a hug?” kind of connection rises to the surface, and you reach out.
The kind of day with unexpected calls where you answer the phone and talk for hours. About life and love and plans and confusion and hurt and hope.
The unscheduled in-person chats that take precedence over calendared work prep time. But, you’re left with greater insight than any private planning ever could have given.
What to do? When a carefully laid-out busy day is intercepted by your people?
Allow the time. Accept the space.
Release the hours as they get later into the night, despite the amount of work and pressing deadlines.
And, of course, the background of today’s narrative has been Hurricane Eta smashing through Nicaragua, flooding roads and knocking out power, and almost drowning out the sound of the howling monkeys.
But with all of this – life, nature, work, all in full force – nothing, nothing, is more important than our relationships.
You hear the call of cherished friends, or sometimes you call to them, and all of the to-do’s and urgent deadlines . . . they quietly move aside.
Dear friends will be here long after deadlines come and go. Long after priorities shift. Long after the storm has passed.
And so, this week’s newsletter was meant to be brief, and include only an invitation to an event next week (and it still will, The Wave is coming), and of course, offerings of my coaching services (link below).
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: Treasure those you love.
Boundaries are important, self-care is important, getting things done is important, yes. All of it.
But it can be a harsh world out there. Take care of each other.
Have a lovely week, friends.
~ Christy
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Christy Nichols, Personal Development Facilitator | Leadership Training Expert | Purposeful Travel Advocate | CEO at Venture Within
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