The essential routine of self-care and its importance has been echoing loudly for weeks. It’s been the topic of masterminds I’ve joined, brought up in conversations with clients and friends, and seems to be the headline of many of my inbox reads.
As a result, self-care has become the theme of my social media this week. And the timing of this buzzword is apt, as I just returned from a week-long solo vacay to do just that: prioritize self-care.
While many of my friends and colleagues in North America are trekking, kayaking, and road-tripping within borders, down here this traveler is also limited to stay within Nicaragua’s frontera, and so off to Ometepe, I went.
Ometepe is an island formed from two volcanoes, emerging from a wide and vast Lake Nicaragua (a lake legendary for its bull sharks). This was the perfect respite for a busy mind.
Good things all around were seen and heard and felt and tasted.
Rainy season downpours, strangers turned to friends, sunset wine with epic views, off-roading in the muddy jungle. Before I left, I swore I would not even open my laptop, post any social media, or spend too much time on technology the entire time I was there.
In reality, I only half-did this, as once I’d yoga-ed, slept, played my guitar, and explored, my energy revived.
Brainstorms ensued, pages of my book were filled, warm chats with long-time friends were zoomed, and of course, I felt compelled to share a daily shot of the volcanoes.
But that kind of tech is ok.
I spent the week doing all of my favorite things at whatever pace I chose when I wanted. And it was delightful.
Also, there is a Cacao farm that produces home-made cacao and offers decadent, organic, good-for-you chocolate everything. So I extended my stay.
The idea of self-care as one of the best-darned things you can do to feel and do better at adulting isn’t a sudden realization. You have probably known this for some time.
It’s just that we get busy and committed to others and other things. We forget how good self-care can make us feel in exponential ways.
Be kind to yourself, friends. That’s the take-home for today. Whether it’s a walk, a wine, a trip, a daily run, retail therapy, or making music. Do the things that make you happy.
It Matters.
~ Christy
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Christy Nichols, Personal Development Facilitator | Leadership Training Expert | Purposeful Travel Advocate | CEO at Venture Within
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