Founder and CEO
Executive Leadership & Life Coach | Curator of Transformational Experiences | Purposeful Travel Advocate | Author
Christy’s professional education expertise has afforded her the opportunity to work around the world. Since achieving a Masters Degree and Teaching Credentials in Sussex, England, she has created and developed two companies focused on Leadership Development Programs through education and conservation projects overseas.
She has delivered leadership initiatives internationally to individuals, universities, small companies, and non-profits in the UK, Europe, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, South Africa, Canada, the USA, and Australia.
Through her company, Venture Within, she creates transformational experiences for personal and professional growth. She lives a full and meaningful life while inspiring and enabling others to do the same.
~ Expert in leadership development amongst professionals
~ 20 years an Educator, CEO of Venture Within, and formerly Co-Founder of EDventure International
~ ICF Accredited Certified Professional Coach
~ Curated strategic leadership workshops catered for traveling professionals, with a focus on personal development and growth.
~ Utilizes cultural immersive experiences as transformative opportunities.
It’s good to have something to look forward to. I had forgotten what that felt like. Having a specific date where you know something good is going to happen to change your scenery. Even though we are still “in it”, some of us are seeing new paths emerge from the tangled confusion. We…
Yesterday, I was coerced into teaching piano lessons to a 3-year-old. It began with an innocent enough beach walk at sunset when the curly-headed toddler began to draw pictures of pianos in the sand with a stick. Her drawings were terrible. But we (her mother and I), tried to help her hold her…
It feels as if we are moving through sludge. So many of my travel stories carry this very plot, but usually, I am trekking some volcano or mountain, lost and starving somewhere off the map. There is no way to see clearly, carrying the uncertainty of what’s coming next, and everything hurts. …
I took this photo near the end of an incredibly long, and disappointing day, which, as the popped hood of my truck indicates, only got worse. The mood was lighter than one might have thought. After retelling our story later, the response was an empathetic “Oh no! That’s terrible!” or some form of verbal…
I spent this past weekend at a detox Retreat just a few miles up the road from me. Yes, I left one gorgeous beach to spend time at another gorgeous beach, but hey. We all need a change of scenery, even if it’s from one place of beauty to another. The weekend was perfect,…
This past weekend was a doozy. Did you feel it? A New Moon, the Summer Solstice, and a Solar Eclipse packaged tightly into side-by-side days. If you are one to celebrate Father’s Day (it was Sunday) or International Yoga Day (also Sunday), then you might have been especially busy recognizing and celebrating all…
I want to share with you something funny that made me laugh out loud. Truly. And then it also made me think. (Kind of a “hahaha—Hey, wait.” moment). In the last couple of months, I hit pause on my overseas Retreats and pivoted to increase teaching my personal growth programs online. This pivot…
Today, I’m lying on my couch, writing this, looking out my window up at the sky on a perfectly sunny day. I’ve postponed my personal travel and retreats, and am recalibrating. What happens next? What can I offer now? I have 9 years of experience operating a global business and managing remote teams. I’ve…
Overwhelm can often be defined simply as WTF. This past week I had a few WTF moments. Overwhelm that stems from the stress and mess we make by carrying too much on our plate that just isn’t working anymore. We haven’t changed a thing and that’s the problem. Situations we hang on…
Are you looking for something different? We all go through this. Phases in our life where we know, we just know, that something has to give. We realize we are ready for a change. It’s okay if we aren’t sure what the “something else” looks like entirely. It’s okay if we also aren’t sure…