As we move into the final month of the year, I can tell you, I. Am. Feeling it.
This morning, I woke up at a bright and shiny 7:00 am.
I did not rise. I sleepily thought, “just a little longer . . . .”
Cut past a few dream sequences later and my eyes shot open at 9:30 am. Nine-thirty. As if I were a teenager.
While oversleeping is an occasional part of life even for the most well-intentioned amongst us, this morning’s snooze created a cascading domino effect into the rest of my day.
Coaching, teaching, social-media – all the worky things were completed, despite my frantic energy.
What my soul needed now was to feel replenished. To breathe fresh air and gets some exercise in. And I needed to record this week’s youtube weekly hello.
But I didn’t want to.
I wanted to close my mac and then my eyes.
One of the perks of being in the personal growth industry is that I’m constantly reminded of the strategies I need daily to keep my own growth in a state of progress. To keep my choices and actions aligned with what I truly want to experience.
One choice I have committed to making is staying fit and healthy. And because I live in beautiful Nicaragua, to also make time for those gorgeous, soul-reviving sunset beach walks.
There will come a time when I no longer can move my body with strength and agility as I do now. Perhaps old age will sit me in a wheelchair. Perhaps I will one day gaze out at pavement from my window instead of a lush Nicaraguan jungle.
It’s for this reason that I aim to enjoy as much sunshine beach life while I can and honor my health commitments to myself.
But today, I slept through my workout. And, even in these Covid – isolating times, ‘tis still the season for merry-making and I’m counting on my workouts to offset the influx of holiday dining.
This morning’s snooze robbed me of the outside, the exercise, the calm. The calorie burn.
But now, as the day began to round off, I faced a choice. I could shut off and shut down.
Or I could still show up.
Our personal goals – in life, love, health, career, or relationships – we have to show up if we want to shape them into a life of our own creation.
I know when we feel depleted, it’s tempting to curl up and close our eyes to our obligations, our routines, or our expectations.
But it’s on these days that showing up when you feel you can’t are the very days when you will surprise yourself.
When you show up for the parts of you that truly are important in your life, then showing up for yourself will never drain you.
In fact, you will find yourself replenished. More replenished, even, then sleeping in too late.
~ Christy
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Christy Nichols, Executive Leadership & Life Coach| Purposeful Travel Advocate | CEO at Venture Within
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