There’s a sticky note on my desk that I look at daily. It’s a list of different word choices I can use to reframe my initial thoughts towards any goal I am pursuing but isn’t quite in my hands yet.
This sticky note helps me raise my frequency and reconstructs the thoughts in my head to be more positive, powerful, and clear.
We often use language such as “I wish”, “I want”, or “I need” when thinking about the shape of our goals.
But I’ve learned that using those very words only emphasizes the fact that we don’t have what we want just yet.
Manifestation, goal-setting, the law of attraction, visualization: These are powerful tools that help us keep our specific goals in sight.
We are now waist-deep into December, a month that tends to lend itself to reflection and refocus on what our next goals could be.
So as we round out this doozy of a year and lean into brighter days, would it be possible to exchange the language we use to think about our goal-pursuing status, with more empowering language that pushes our aspirations into reality?
Is it possible to boost our manifestation, goal-setting, the law of attraction, and visualization capabilities?
Sure it is. Reframing how we think about the goals we pursue, the intentions we set, the dreams we manifest – it all starts with the thoughts we choose.
It starts with our mindset.
Perhaps you can give this a shot. Try writing these words on a sticky note, and taping it in a place where seeing it daily will help you the most.
See how it changes your perspective on a daily basis. Clock it when you change your perspective while out and about, without a sticky reminder in front of you.
While we may not have control over what the outside world brings, we have every bit of control over the thoughts and language we choose in our heads to define how we will reach our goals.
Choose wisely. 🙂
Sticky Note Wisdom:
Raise your frequency. Whenever you have an “I wish”, “I want” or an “I need” thought – replace those words with the one from below.
- I have . . .
- I create . . .
- I am grateful for . . .
- I enjoy . . .
- I choose . . .
- I can . . .
- I love . . .
~ Christy
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Christy Nichols, Executive Leadership & Life Coach | Purposeful Travel Advocate | CEO at Venture Within
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