Prefer to be read to? Have a listen instead.
I moved house this week, but I can’t blame that entirely on why I don’t have a proper story today. I had a couple of stories, spinning in my head, and there they will remain – spinning – until I’m able to spin them out in their true form.
I moved house and, as I unpack, physically moving some things here, and other things there, my thoughts surrounding all things life, love, travel, and career have been spinning too.
I am thinking about unpacking and making my new home feel like home. I worry about Tino, and how she’s clearly and audibly upset by the unfamiliar creaks and sounds around here living on the ground level; the construction trucks rumbling down the road, and the barky-barky dogs next door.
I’m thinking about my clients, and each of their journeys I have been invited to move in stride alongside for a while, and the joy and honor in that.
I’m thinking about upcoming travels I haven’t quite locked in, but reassuring myself that I know travel is something I will get done because travel is in my wheelhouse. (Remembering to buy groceries is not).
I’m thinking that I need to write more and prep properly for said upcoming travels that include a speaking event.
I’m thinking about the rain falling today, and if October in Nicaragua will lightly dot our faces with a sprinkler-ish feel to the end of the rainy season like it did last year. Or, if all hell will unfurl with a double punch of hurricanes like it did two years before that and half the country was buried in mud and broken trees.
The hurricanes hit Nicaragua the same year – same months – that Tino invaded my life unapologetically. Now, I apologize to her for the change in the placement of her food bowl and routine.
I’m thinking about the future – Retreats I am hosting in 2023. Finally fixing the A/C in my car before the merciless heat and wind hit us in February. Remembering to stock my fridge before the weekend like a successful adult would.
My mind is everywhere. It’s present then not present; confident, then worried; clear, and then clouded.
But some weeks are like this. We all feel the unsettled, groundless commotion from time to time.
So in weeks like this, when I feel off the rails, it’s a centering quote, or sometimes just a really good song that seems to help me land. The words don’t have to be profound, they just have to say (or sing) what I need to hear at that moment.
Today, when my thoughts ping-ponged in my mind without earning any points, this song came through my speakers as I unpacked my cutlery.
“Yep”, I thought, “that’s it.” That’s what I need to hear with my moving-house mess and the mayhem in my mind:
Take it easy. Take it easy. Don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy.
Is it the sound of my own wheels? My own thoughts and choices creating this hectic uprooted feeling? Maybe. But that’s a deeper dive for another day.
For now, it’s a good song to jam to while I finish moving. My boxes are almost all unpacked, the plates and glasses, shelved; the plants placed thoughtfully around the patio deck.
All things will find their place – in our homes, in our plans, in our futures.
Hope you can remind yourself of this too. Or latch on to any song that helps you move through the unsettled spaces we find ourselves in once in a while.
~ Christy
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My stories are pretty good.
Christy Nichols
Author | Life Purpose & Book Coach | Curator of Transformational Experiences | CEO at Venture Within | Purposeful Travel Advocate
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